PCPF eng - Church
Starting Again from the Family
The ten reports of the Working Groups have been published. Group "Italico C": "The family is a school that prepares us for life"

During Plenary on Thursday morning, at the XII General Congregation, the reports produced by the ten Working Groups (three Italian, three English, two French and two Spanish) of the Extraordinary Synod on the family were presented.
All the issues raised in the Relatio post disceptationem were discussed, deepened, and then developed or amended, by each group. The group "Italico C", wanted to underlined especially the need to "start again from the family: indeed, it is the school of humanity, because it is the school of love in the life and of the growth of the person, thanks to the relationships that the marriage requires between the spouses as well as between parents and children. It is the school of social life, because it supports the young as they develop their capabilities to for the service of society. It is the womb of ecclesial life that teaches us to live in communion with the Church and to be Her active members. Finally, it is a school of sanctification, in which the path of holiness of the spouses and the children is exercised and nourished, and it should be a special nursery for vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life. For these reasons, the Church proclaims the value and beauty of the family, and so renders a decisive service in a world that is begging to be illuminated by the light of hope."
Reports of the Working Groups

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 20-OTT-14

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