PCPF eng - Church
The Synod & After
At the European University, a reflection on "The Hope of the Family" with Cardinal Müller and Msgrs. Melina and Negri

"The Hope of the Family," a book-length interview with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was the pillar of the round table that took place in recent days at the European University of Rome on the theme "The Hope of the Family—The Synod & After."
"One of the central points of the text is the subject of Faith. We live in an age of secularization and incredulity, which have weakened the sacramental perception," said the cardinal, quoting Pope Francis‘ Encyclical "Lumen Fidei," devoted to the theme of Faith, and the Pastoral Constitution "Gaudium et Spes," one of the the most important documents of the Second Vatican Council, which, among other things, addresses the issue of the dignity of marriage and the family.
Msgr. Livio Melina, President of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Marriage and Family Studies, recalled a concept of Blessed Pope Paul VI: the Church does not invent her doctrine, but she is its interpreter and custodian. "To someone who asks us to revise the cornerstones of the Faith and make it adaptable to our times, the Church can only answer: ‘Non possumus!‘, We cannot." The Synodal journey will last yet a year, Melina then recalled, and on th way the Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will be "a certified compass so that it does not get lost in thought weak."
"The crisis of our time—said Msgr. Luigi Negri, Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio and President of the John Paul II International Foundation for the Magisterium of the Church - The crisis of our time coincides with the crisis of the family, which expresses the crisis of modern man: the relentless fragmentation of life in a context of conflicting opinions. Man‘s commitment against his instinct fails; reality is reduced to a series of manipulated objects according to rules of a technological character, while the sense of mystery disappears. The seed of new life—he concluded—must be educated on the basis of Faith according to God’s thought, not on that of the world. The future is ours in the measure in which we are capable of reading the Christian vocation in depth."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 24-OTT-14

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