PCPF eng - Culture
The Natural Way of Love
The Centers for the Natural Regulation of Fertility have published a document reaffirming the importance of the doctrine of the union between spouses expressed in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae

"In contraception, sexuality appears precisely as the negation of oneself: having sex with another person while rejecting the other ... is self-contradictory: if sexuality is by its nature the drive towards another, in contraception sexuality is lived in a self-referential way in which ‘two make love‘ ... with the desire to live ‘pleasure‘ alone."
This is one of the key concepts in "Humanae Vitae: The Natural Way of Love. The Reasons of a Choice," a document prepared by the Italian Confederation of Centers for the Natural Regulation of Fertility on the occasion of the debate initiated in recent days by the Extraordinary Synod on the Family and the beatification of Paul VI, whose celebration in St. Peter‘s Square Sunday, October 19th, was attended by a large delegation (200 people) of the Confederation led by the president, Giancarlo Stevanella.
The document is primarily intended to reiterate the absolute relevance and significance of the doctrine presented in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae which concerns, on the one hand, the issue of contraception and, on the other, that of the natural methods.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 28-OTT-14

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