PCPF eng - Church
With Hard Work and Passion
Work continues on the Synod‘s indications

A large international conference is being organized for next January by the Pontifical Council for the Family. This meeting will assemble all the different family associations in the aim of together evaluating the fruits of the Extraordinary Synod and progressing on the path of reflection toward the ordinary session of October 2015.
On Friday, November 7th, in Rome, the first preparatory study seminar, reserved for representatives of family associations from around the world, was held in preparation for this Congress. A second session that will deal with the realities concerning the protection of life is scheduled to meet soon in Rome.
Archbishop Paglia, in opening the meeting, outlined the path to be followed in the coming months, emphasizing how the work of the Synod which just ended has brought great results that need to be reflected upon with "special intelligence and creativity," given the topics and questioned it raised.
The discussion opened with a report by Fr Maurizio GRONCHI, Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical Urban University and Consultant of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who was a member of the group of drafters of the various documents of the Synod.
In his speech, Fr. Gronchi pointed out in particular the general framework offered by the Synod and the approach used to address the different issues. The Synod‘s deliberations, which were both demanding and exciting, had two major references: the Second Vatican Council and Pope Francis‘ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, which represent the guidelines for the development of a reflection on the current praxis of the Church, called to go out beyond herself rather than retreating and to seize the present opportunity for proclaiming the Gospel in a fruitful dialogue between the center and periphery, rather than seeing it as a threat to be warded off. Within this framework, many issues that touch the family in different parts of the world have been addressed and still need further discussion.
On the basis of the report, the participants offered many insights that contribute to the shaping of next January’s Congress.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 10-NOV-14

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