PCPF eng - Culture
The Sagrada Família: A Universal Sanctuary
Cardinal Baldisseri is the author of the preface of Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach‘s book on Gaudi

"It is a universal sanctuary of families," "a symbol of brotherhood and peace in the world". The Ssecretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, makes this affirmation about the Sagrada Família in Barcelona in his preface to the book "Gaudí: l’uomo, l’artista, il cristiano" (Gaudi: The Man, the Artist, the Christian) written by the Archbishop of Barcelona, Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach.
"The publication of this volume comes at a favorable moment—he writes—, just after the first Synod on the family that was celebrated last October and before the preparation for the 2015 Synod, a moment set like a precious pearl or an important card in the Synodal mosaic. The Holy Father Francis, on the feast of the Holy Family, December 29, 2013, chose the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona as one of three major temples in the world for pilgrimages and prayers for families. On that occasion, and in view of the Synod, he presented to the faithful the Prayer to the Holy Family."
The majestic monument dedicated to the Holy Family of Nazareth, the work of Gaudi, the cardinal continued, "is a sanctuary of the universal family and a symbol of brotherhood and peace in the world. As it was conceived by its chief architect, the Sagrada Família in Barcelona is a hymn of praise to God-Trinity and transmits a message of the Gospel: ‘the cathedral of the poor,‘ which together with schools designed for the poor, are two realities that symbolize a wonderful meeting between the three persons of the ‘Trinity of Heaven‘: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the ‘Trinity of the earth‘: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. A Gospel message that Pope Francis continues today with pastoral determination."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 13-GEN-15

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