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The Family and Poverty 
John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family proposes a course on adapted pastoral action
“Pastoral care for marginalized and poor families” is the theme of the seminar proposed by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family for the month of May. The seminar—promoters explain—"aims at forming pastoral workers and the families themselves, so that they understand the situation of those living in poverty and social exclusion from an integral perspective, in order to enable them to do pastoral work appropriately and effectively in this context." Among the topics that will be discussed is the influence of material poverty on the life of families and lifestyles that abolish family life as well as the most fundamental requirements of Christian morality. The course, from May 5th to 20th, will be directed by Benito Baranda and Maria Lorena Cornejo, a couple with thirty years of married life and a long experience among the poor in the outskirts of Santiago, Chile.
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