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United for the Family   versione testuale

In Maputo, Mozambique, the Presidents of the European and African Councils that connect the Episcopal Conferences of the two continents opened the Seminar devoted entirely to the Family, held from 28 to 31 May
Messages of the Presidents of the Councils of the European and African Bishops' Conferences opened the Seminar on "The Joy of the Family," organized by these two continental entities, in Maputo, Mozambique, from 28 to 31 May.
Msgr. Gabriel Mbilingi, Archbishop of Lubango (Angola) and President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), in the inaugural speech entitled "Summary of the challenges of the 2014 Synod and prospects for the 2015 Synod," especially invited the families to be bold in defending their family values and to have the courage to say "no" to the new ideologies that seek to destroy marriage and the family. The Archbishop then called the Church to strengthen society's fundamental cell in Her efforts to proclaim the Gospel of the family and the civilization of love. Msgr. Mbilingi also pointed out that "efficient and effective inculturation" of Christ's message is essential for meeting the global pastoral challenges of our time, which demand strong pastoral decisions in order to save the family from destruction.
The President of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE), Cardinal Peter Erdö, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest—in a text read on his behalf by the Secretary General of the CCEE, Msgr. Duarte da Cunha—spoke especially about the consequences of secularization and individualism in the family. Having complained about the rapid decline in both civil and ecclesiastical marriages, he exhorted the clergy and other pastoral agents to support and encourage couples in their married life. The Cardinal also evoked a phenomenon strongly encouraged in today's world, i.e. the existence of communities of families, especially related to the faith and religious commitment, that support the Church and other families. The CCEE President finally declared to the members of the African Church present at the meeting that Europe respects and admires the values of family life in Africa. He, therefore, called for increased collaboration between the Church in Africa and Europe, because this collaboration is very enriching for both continents.

Speech of the President of SECAM (ENG)
Speech of the President of SECAM (FRA)
Message of the President of the CCEE (ITA)
Message of the President of the CCEE (ENG)
Summary of the Message of the President of the CCEE (FRA)
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