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The US between the Synod and Philadelphia   versione testuale

The Bishops of the United States gathered for their annual Spring General Assembly put great emphasis on issues concerning the family and the upcoming events, in which the domestic cell will have the main role. Two members of the PCF were also present at the meeting.

The family was, among the many topics discussed, the dominant theme on the agenda of the American Bishops who met in St. Louis, from 10 to 12 June, for their annual Spring General Assembly. Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), presented a summary on the consultation of U.S. dioceses for next October's Synod on the Family. Msgr. Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, gave an update on the World Meeting of Families, which will be held in that metropolis of Pennsylvania, with the presence of Pope Francis.
Then, ample time was dedicated to listening to three married couples, who shared with the American bishops their experience in the field of marriage and family. The speakers were John and Claire Grabowski, members of the Pontifical Council for the Family; Jeffrey and Alice Heinzen, observers at last year's special Synod on the family; and Ricardo and Lucia Luzondo, directors of Renovación Familiar Ministries. A testimony from the world of youth was finally given by Curtis Martin, founder and CEO of the Society of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), who spoke about how to bring the message of the Gospel to young people.
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