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A Gift for Man and Woman 
Pope Francis to the Bishops of Latvia and Estonia: "A strong will to promote the family"

"I wish to share with you the determination to promote the family as a gift from God for the realization of man and woman, created in His image, and the 'fundamental cell of society,' a place where one learns to live with differences while belonging to others, and where parents hand down the faith to their children." The Pope Francis said this yesterday in his address to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Latvia and Estonia, who have come to Rome for their ad Limina visit. "We must note—he continued—that today marriage is often considered a form of emotional gratification, which can be constituted in just any way and change according to each person's feeling." Unfortunately, this reductive conception, said the Pope, "also affects the mentality of Christians, making it easy for them to resort to divorce or de facto legal separation. We pastors—he added—are called to reflect on the preparation of the young engaged couples for marriage, as well as on how to help people living in these situations, so that the children do not become the first victims and spouses do not feel excluded from God's mercy and the Church's solicitude, but rather are helped—he urged—in the journey of faith and the Christian education of their children."
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