papa famiglie
Peter’s throne   versione testuale
The Chair of St. Peter
Many works of art and important relics are conserved in St. Peter's Basilica. One of them is the Chair of St. Peter. What is it? According to Christian tradition, every bishop has a chair, that is a throne on which, representing Jesus as Teacher, he sits and explains the Scriptures. The chair is the symbol of the power and responsibility of the Bishop, who is called to keep and proclaim the Good News of Jesus.
The so-called Chair of St. Peter is kept in the Vatican Basilica. It is a wooden throne that—according to legend—is the bishop's chair that belonged to the Apostle St. Peter. This throne is guarded as a relic (that is, a sacred object) inside a golden bronze construction, created by the artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. There is no evidence that this is really Peter's chair; it was probably a gift from a medieval king to one of the many popes in history.