papa famiglie
Gardens, museums and fountains   versione testuale
Gardens and Fountains
The Vatican gardens have been a place of rest and meditation for the Popes since 1279. They have fountains of different styles.
As everywhere in Rome, the sound of rippling water is the music of the city!
That is also true in the part of Rome surrounded by the Leonine Wall (built to protect Vatican hill). The Vatican fountains are little known, but one has the impression that they have always been there, and so almost no one pays attention to them anymore. Yet, there are beautiful ones, for example the Fountain of the Galea, a scale reproduction of a real combat vessel, equipped with cannons and sails!
Vatican Museums
The Vatican Museums are among the most greatest in the world: very important masterpieces dating back to the late Renaissance and Egyptian are conserved there.
The first nucleus of these museums was Pope Julius II's collection of sculptures, displayed in the Courtyard of the Statues.
With the 2000 Jubilee, a new entrance for visitors was created, described by Pope John Paul II as the "entrance that leads to that temple of art and culture represented by the Museums."