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Pope Francis as a child   versione testuale
Pope Francis as a Child
Pope Francis, before being elected Pope, was called Jorge Mario Bergoglio: that was his name as he grew up and how he presented himself to his friends, when he was little. He was born on 17 December, and just a few days later, on Christmas night of the distant year of 1936, he was baptized.
When he was young, he became friends with his teacher; her name was Estela Quiroga. Their relationship was beautiful; and, in fact, Jorge Bergoglio will continue to write letters to his teacher even after growing up. She could read what Jorge wrote just for her and, in turn, responded to his letters. As a child, Bergoglio loved reading, but he also liked walking around on the streets and playing football.
During his childhood, little Jorge spent much time with another person who is special to him: his grandmother Rosa. When he was born, as the first of four younger brothers, Jorge’s grandmother used to take him home with her and he would spend all day there. His grandmother Rosa is the one who taught him to pray and told him about the lives of the saints.