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Crisis and Gift 
A volume that investigates the therapeutic and human potential of giving, reciprocity and forgiveness

In their book "Il dono nel tempo della crisi. Per una psicologia del riconoscimento" (The gift in the time of crisis. For a psychology of recognition), Enrico Molinari and Pietro Andrea Cavaleri investigate the therapeutic and human potential of giving, reciprocity and forgiveness, even in a time of unending crisis like ours. The authors, who teach respectively in Department of Clinical Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and in the School of Psychotherapy at the Gestalt Institute HCC, show, in the perspective of relational psychology, that "feelings and behaviors capable of recreating man can only come from a person who is open to the recognition of others." The book sketches the essential features of psychological care as giving meaning, and presents an innovative psychology of recognition and reciprocity, which sees in giving and forgiveness, gestures usually considered outmoded and rather useless, on the contrary the fundamental pivots of full self-realization.
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