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Prayer Marathon 
A 54-day Rosary Novena for marriage and the family, in view of Philadelphia and the Synod

The 54-day Rosary Novena for marriage and the family―an initiative promoted nationally by the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate, under the spiritual guidance of Milwaukee's Archbishop Jerome Listecki―will soon begin. The aim, organizers explain, "is to draw the attention of the faithful to the key themes of the World Meeting of Families," especially to the presence of the Pope, and of the Ordinary General Synod on the family, which will take place in the Vatican from 4 to 25 October. In a letter sent to all the US Bishops, Archbishop Listecki stresses, "Amidst the spiritual crisis in our culture, we are in need of the intercession of Our Lady." Hence, it is hoped that the days of prayer will "bring about spiritual renewal in the nation." Now in its second edition, the initiative is a "message of hope" for today's society. The Rosary can be recited individually, in groups, in the family, in parishes and communities. The first 24 days, from 15 August to 10 September, will be dedicated especially to petition; on the remaining 24 days, prayers of thanksgiving will be said. Additional intentions focus on peace, the defense of human life and the protection of religious freedom.
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