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Priests for the Family   versione testuale
On 6 October the two-month course in family ministry especially intended for priests, religious and deacons, will begin. The registration deadline is 3 October

"Among the places where your presence seems most needed and significant is, first of all, the family." In response to these words addressed by Pope Francis to the Italian Bishops, the "Ongoing Formation Course in Family Ministry," organized by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in collaboration with the National Office of the Italian Bishops' Conference for the Pastoral Care of the Family and for the Pastoral Care of Vocations, wants to support and promote the deepest part of the priestly heart, which daily comes into contact with his flock. The classes are in fact specifically designed for priests, religious and deacons.
This part-time course (from Tuesday morning until noon on Thursday), which will last 6 from to 26 November, is entitled "The Good Shepherd Gives His Life to the Family." According to the organizers, it is intended "to show the intrinsic relationship between the family and faith, while seeing, precisely in this connection, the family's particular strength as subject of evangelization. Indeed, through the comparison between family life and the priestly ministry a richer understanding of their specific vocation to love is developed."
To sign up and follow this structured, highly topical program (subdivided into the fields of anthropology, moral theology, pastoral and sociology), which is accompanied and enriched by testimonies and cultural activities, you must register by 3 October.
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