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Church and Marriage 
The 15th encounter of the Movimiento Familiar Cristiano focused on the family in the vocation and mission of the Church

In San Pedro Sula (Honduras), this year's encounter of the Movimiento Familiar Cristiano (MFC) will begin on Friday, November 6th, and conclude on Sunday the 8th. Delegations from 18 countries of Latin America will take part in this gathering. The focus, explains Fr. Freddy Valdivieso, director of the Movimiento Familiar Cristiano, is on "Marriages and families fully alive in the vocation of the Church in the Modern World." In the aftermath of the Synod that has just ended, 18 married couples will give their testimony during the first part of the event, organized by Fr. Leonel Naràez, founder of the Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez, the first cardinal in the history of Honduras—created by John Paul II in 2001—and current Archbishop of Tegucigalpa is expected to take part in the Congress. The initiative has met with the approval of the Honduran presidential couple, Carlos and Gloria Irias, who are excited that "the Christian Family Movement wishes to redeem the values. We will have strong and authoritative testimonies that will bring families closer to God and strengthen the state policy of assistance to families."
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