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For Gen 
A new edition of the training course for parents is sponsored by the Family Associations of Umbria: the meetings will continue until March
The new edition of "For Gen," the training course for parents promoted by the Archdiocese of Perugia-Città della Pieve, has begun. The course initiated by Fr. Carlo Rocchetta, is sponsored by the diocesan office of family ministry at the School of Theology of the Center Leo XIII, and promoted by Catholic Action and the Italian Forum of Family Associations of Umbria. Open to all parents, this initiative is intended to inform and above all to form, by answering parents' questions and giving them practical advice to about appropriate types of behavior to be adopted with children in the light of new educational challenges. Composed of four month-long modules, divided according to children's age groups, and on specific issues related to the typical needs and problems of growth, the meetings are conducted by experts but also enrich through comparisons with the experiences of other parents.
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