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For the Common House 
Archbishop Paglia spoke at the XIIth International Forum of Environmental Journalism in Rieti

To save the common house, "a cultural and spiritual revolution is absolutely necessary," and that of integral ecology "is a prophecy, which involves everyone, and an issue not just for governments or men who have leadership responsibilities, but that concerns from the first to the last citizen of this house." This statement was made by Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, in his intervention at the Teatro Vespasiano in Rieti, where Greenaccord's XIIth International Forum of environmental journalism was held 18 to 20 November. If the ethical revolution must be the basic premise for changing the conception of the world, and religions must play a leading role, rejecting all forms of fundamentalism, there is "need—he concluded—for a new alliance between religions and humanism in view of a new ecological conversion in the broadest sense of the term, a new humanism that reestablishes harmony between the human family and the common house to be inhabited." On the occasion of this meeting in Rieti, sponsored by Greenaccord in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for the Family, Pope Francis sent a message to the participants. To read it, click here.
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