papa famiglie
Pope Francis' Catechism 6. GRANDPARENTS   versione testuale
The Pope reminded everyone that grandparents and older people are an asset, not because they sometimes reward us or give us nice presents, but because, with their experience, they can really help us to grow and to live well.How beautiful it is to have grandparents who live close by, so we can spend time with them and listen to their stories and advice! Some are still young enough, and they play with us; others are older, they appear slow to us, and they do not seem to understand what we do.
We cannot forget grandparents and the elderly; we cannot go to visit them only on special occasions or whenever it suits us. And if we sometimes have the impression that they are angry or a little grumpy, that's the right time to ask them to tell us a story about when they were our age. After having listened to them, thank them and give them a big hug: you will make them very happy.

The words of grandparents have special value for the young. And the young know it.
I still carry with me, always, in my breviary, the words my grandmother consigned to me in writing on the day of my priestly ordination. I read them often and they do me good.
How I would like a Church that challenges the throw-away culture with the overflowing joy of a new embrace between young and old!
This is what I ask of the Lord today, this embrace!