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The Jubilee of Families 
In St. Peter's Square, the Jubilee of Families was celebrated with Pope Francis. This is the first major event in the Year of Mercy, after its opening on December 8th. The family is mercy.

After the double Synod on the family, the Church presents to the Lord all the world's families so that they may be reached everywhere by mercy, reconciliation and help in their many basic necessities. Our Dicastery has prepared a simple booklet to accompany today's celebration, a small itinerary for entering the Holy Door, with four steps: reception, closeness, understanding and forgiveness, for the short path to the Holy Door, and which can be used for all the pilgrimages throughout the world. After the sign of the cross, a passage of Pope Francis' Bull of Indiction Misericordia Vultus is read, and then there is a brief moment of silence. This is followed by the Confessio Vitae, in which parents and children are invited to reflect on mutual forgiveness. Finally, after the Confessio Fidei, with the passage through the Holy Door and a station before the crucifix to contemplate the "face of the mercy of God, who welcomes and embraces us," it is proposed to make "a gesture of attention toward the poor."
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