Increasing numbers of families around the world can now read the commentary on Luke's Gospel written by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, "Una casa ricca di misericordia. Il Vangelo di Luca in famiglia" (Edizioni San Paolo) has appeared in English ("A Home Full of Mercy. The Gospel of Luke in the Family," St. Paul's Press), Spanish ("Una casa rica en misericordia", San Pablo) and, most recently, also in Portuguese ("Uma casa rica de misericórdia" Paulus).
The volume, which has appeared, among other countries, in the US, the UK, Australia, Portugal, Colombia, Peru and Latin America, is intended to help families a bit to read the testimony of this Gospel (often referred to as the "Gospel of Mercy"), as Pope Francis has indicated in the guiding text for this Jubilee of Mercy.
Listening, reflection, prayer and action are the four cornerstones of Msgr. Paglia's proposal. The reading of each passage of Luke is followed by a brief reflection, which is followed in turn, after shared listening and reflection, by a moment of prayer and, finally, by action. At the bottom of each page, there is a small suggestion, offered a group of families involved in this project, to make the everyday life of the family more beautiful and joyful.