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A Good Goal   versione testuale
Family Day in Rome on January 30th. Cardinal Bagnasco: "An event that can be shared"

"On the initiative of the laity, with their responsibilities, recalled by the Second Vatican Council," the Family Day will take place in Rome on January 30th. The President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Card. Angelo Bagnasco, announced this at the end of the Mass celebrated with migrant communities in Genoa's Cathedral of San Lorenzo.
Cirinnà's bill on civil unions and stepchild adoption is "a serious and irresponsible distraction" with respect "to the real problems in Italy": the event, the cardinal explained, "can be shared" in the light of its purpose, which "truly is good, because the family is the foundation of all society" and "cannot be equaled by any other institution or situation."
"The defense of the family, the promotion of the family, and the appeal for authentic supports, which up to now seem to be lacking, should be—he continued—voiced unanimously throughout the country, by all Italian families, as diversified as they may be; however, the goal is absolutely necessary because family policies are very minor." Speaking about Cirinnà's bill, the President of the Bishops' Conference continued: "there are several things to consider, but the most important is, in my view, that the Parliament is strongly turning attention away from the real problems in Italy: creating jobs, assuring social security, restoring welfare."
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