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Spotlight on the Family 
In Daloa, the Bishops' Plenary on the Family: "A place of education for life and peace"
"Family, a place of education for life and peace" is the theme of the 102nd Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Ivory Coast, presently taking place in Daloa. "The institution of the family is threatened by the emergence of new 'rights'," said Fr. Emmanuel Wohi Nin, General Secretary of the Conference. "The family, formed by a man, a woman and children, is important for society's functioning. When the family is in danger, society itself is menaced. It is necessary to throw light on the wounds that threaten the family institution," he added. Along with these new phenomena, until the end of the session on January 24th, the spotlight will also be put on other elements that tend to destabilize families, specifically the crisis and poverty.
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