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The Recipe for a Good Marriage 
From 8 to 14 February in Slovakia the 5th National Marriage Week
"The Recipe for a Good Marriage" is the slogan of the 5th National Marriage Week (Snm) scheduled from 8 to 14 February 2016 in Slovakia. "We want to encourage you to be active, we want to express our deepest gratitude for the interesting activities and projects designed for married couples that you are planning in your neighborhood," said the promoter Vlado Sochor to the Sir Press Agency, speaking of "an opportunity for all spouses of Slovakia to revive their relationship and renew their decision to face any difficulty and every difficult moment." The Marriage Week was "born" in England, about twenty years ago, and today dozens of countries around the world are organizing the campaign on a national level, "not—the organizers explain—to celebrate perfect marriages, but to offer a space for reflection on the reasons that encourage people to enter this sacred union, to renew our romantic side, or simply to do something nice for our partners."
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