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Great Mystery 
In Sacrofano, the 6th National Conference will be focused on the marriage and the beauty of male and female

"By the Grace of the Sacrament of Marriage: To Live and Proclaim the Beauty of Male and Female" is the theme of the 6th National Congress of Pastoral Theology of Great Mystery to be held in Sacrofano (Rome) from June 30th to July 3rd. "The big news this year—the promoters explain—is that the family is the subject of active ministry, a subject that builds the Church and society, with an identity and a specific mission. Two other sacraments, those of the Order and of Marriage, are directed towards the salvation of others. If they contribute well to personal salvation, it is through service to others. They confer a particular mission in the Church and serve to build up the People of God. This, together with formation provided to all participants through lectures on theology, will launch seven ministry workshops, intended to raise awareness, understanding and initiate the acquaintance with some 'operational instruments' that allow spouses, priests, religious, and singles to incarnate and implement what is indicated in the Catechism." These seven workshops offer pastoral proposals in the following areas: family, parish, Evangelization (workshops I - II - III), formational courses for engaged couples and newlyweds (workshops IV - V), special situations of the couple / family (workshop VI), and Family and Children (workshop VII).
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