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Saints in Everyday Life 
A biography of the Martin couple

The canonization of a couple of married spouses, who have become saints precisely as spouses, was a momentous event in the history of the Church, who consecrated the intuition of marriage as a path to holiness and, finally, went beyond the so-called theology of the states of perfection that reduced marriage to being a kind of second class vocation. For this reason as well, it is worth knowing the story of Louis and Zelie Martin (canonized by Pope Francis in 2015) and discovering how you can become saints while fully living the vocation to marriage, in the double roll as spouses and parents. The biography written by Hélène Mongin, recently translated into Italian by San Paolo (the French original was published in 2008 by the Editions de l’Emmanuel), focuses mainly on the heroism of daily life that characterizes the existence of this couple, indicating how ordinary days lived in the following of Jesus become a family's road to holiness. For the English translation, entitled The Extraordinary Parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin, click here.
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