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Care for the Family 
The XVIIIth Week of Studies on Marital and Family Spirituality being held in Assisi will conclude on April 25th

The XVIIIth National Week of Studies on Marital and Family Spirituality, promoted by the National Family Ministry Office of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI), began on April 22nd, at the Domus Pacis in Assisi, and will end on Monday the 25th. "On the horizon traced by the discussions during the first year of the Week of Studies—explains Fr. Paolo Gentili, director of the CEI's Office—, some specific matters related to the theme will be explored. The care for the family, as a place where the sexual difference that emerges visibly in the human body is cultivated, is now a prophetic task of the Christian community. This care, in the contemporary sphere, is confronted with the problem of the ideological colonization (as Pope Francis calls it) produced by the gender theory, which darkens the perception of reality. In this sense, the Church is a beacon that indicates the path to follow, and the families of believers are like torches that illuminate the night. It is the 'Church going forth' and becoming the traveling companion of spousal love, parental responsibility and wounded families, that restores the original Garden for the future generations. The workshops will attempt to translate the content offered by the speakers in the proposed fields, outlining how the pastoral ministry of the Christian community can support marriage between man and woman and, through 'the small domestic Church going forth,' take the five paths of a new humanism: go out, announce, live, educate, transfigure." This event is the last of the triennium devoted to the study of the theme: "Male and Female God Created Them (Genesis 1:27): The Spousal Roots of the Human Person."
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