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From the Desert to the Covenant 
Third National Conference of single Catholic, in Sacrofano from 8 to 10 July
"Called to Love. From the desert of solitude to the covenant of Love" is the theme of the Third National Conference of single Catholics, which will be held at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano (Rm) from 8 to 10 July. The speakers at this event, sponsored by the association Cantico dei Cantici that aims to spread the beauty of the Church's teachings on love, will be Fr. Robert Rieger, the association's chaplain; Fr. Fabio Magro, director of the Office of Family and Life ministry of the diocese of Concordia-Pordenone; and the spouses Gilberto Gillini and Mariateresa Zattoni, members of the National Council of the Family of the Italian Bishops' Conference.
For info and registration: www.canticodeicantici.com
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