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The XVIIth Plenary Assembly of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SCEAM-SECAM) is being held in Luanda, Angola, on the theme of the family: "The Family in Africa Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in the Light of the Gospel."

This year's Assembly began on July 19th and will end on the 24th. The delegates of Episcopal Conferences of Africa will again reflect on this theme in the light of the two Synods on the family and Pope Francis' post synodal exhortation of Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love). At the end of the meeting, the Bishops and delegates will issue a final message, of a pastoral type, calling the Churches in Africa to assist and support African families. The main purpose of the debates during these days is to find pathways and discern elements to help families in difficulty, to enlighten the perplexed, and encourage those who are experiencing a time of prosperity. Despite everything, SECAM wants to emphasize the family's irreplaceable role. The family is and remains for Africa the basic and vital institution to be developed, promoted, and protected against any perverse and erroneous theories that seek to distort this divine and sacred institution, desired by God. The family remains a unique good, a precious gift that God has given to society. Fr. Armand Brice IBOMBO Secretary General of the Congo (Brazzaville). Info: https://secam.org/the-influence-of-modern-media-and-new-ideologies-on-the-family-in-africa-today/
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