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Peru, the Family and the Joy of Love   versione testuale
The Bishops say "Abortion is not a lesser evil; it is the absolute evil"

"Family, Live the Joy of Love" was the theme of the 22nd Life Day, celebrated a few days ago in Peru at the end of the National Family Week.
"Human life—writes the Episcopal Commission for Life and the Family in a message posted on its website—is a sacred gift, especially in the early stages of its conception. The Lord loved us even before creating us, in His mind, and He created us to love one another and out of love."
Echoing the words spoken by Pope Francis during the press conference on the return flight from his apostolic visit to Mexico last February: "Abortion is not a lesser evil, but a crime, it is an absolute evil," the Bishops sounded the alarm after the recent decision of the Court of Lima to promote free delivery of the "morning after pill" in the country's health centers. This drug, explain the Peruvian Bishops, is "an attack on human life, especially against the life of the smallest and most defenseless, who have no voice."
An appeal to the State has also been launched, in order to recall—since the protection of life is mentioned in Article 2 of the National Constitution—that "its function is to respect and promote the human rights of all Peruvians, without any kind of discrimination, much less of age or inability to act."
To thwart abortion, the Peruvian Bishops' Conference then reiterates what Pope Francis has written in his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" and urges the Church to look for solutions to these painful situations, in particular by helping women, "welcoming them, accompanying them, and demanding that the State offer them solutions in accordance with its competence, enshrined in the Constitution."
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