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Family and the Transmission of the Faith 
05/11/2015 Basic Education On October 28th, 1965 the fundamental document on the education of children was published. We take part in the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council by recalling this text |
31/10/2014 Marriage: The Family's "Motor" An interview with Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia in the pages of "Ad Gentes," the magazine of the Pontificia Opera missionaria of the Mexican Episcopate |
31/01/2014 Education between hope and the future In Brescia Father Grieco spoke about the relationship between family and education |
11/10/2013 The Word of God in the Family The lecture given by the President of the Council, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, at the meeting of the Catholic Biblical Federation with the Bible Societies, on Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 |
19/07/2013 Masterful Weave A Master of Marriage and the Family and a Course in Family Ministry promoted by the Office of the Italian Bishops’ Conference and the Pontifical “John Paul II” InstituteThe Master lasts three years, with a maximum of 25 students. The summer session of the Master and the Summer Course in Family Ministry is being held in La Thuille, Val d'Aosta, from July 7th to 20th. The participants— the organizers say —are «instructors of instructors in the field of family ministry; spouses able to make a competent and significant contribution to the development of the theology of marriage and the family; experts...
02/07/2013 St. Joseph in the Roman Missal The name of the “Head of the Lord’s family” after the Blessed Virgin Mary, His Spouse |
21/12/2012 La famiglia al Sinodo/22 Sabato, 27 - Dall'elenco finale delle ProposizioniSecondo le norme dell’Ordo Synodi Episcoporum (cf. Artt. 15 e 39), il testo ufficiale in latino dell’ Elenco finale delle Proposizioni delle Assemblee Generali Ordinarie del Sinodo dei Vescovi, oggetto di voto personale da parte dei Padri Sinodali, è destinato al Sommo Pontefice, al quale viene debitamente consegnato. Tale testo per sua natura è riservato e non viene pubblicato per rispettare il carattere consultivo e propositivo dell’Assise sinodale.
20/12/2012 La famiglia al Sinodo/20 Venerdì, 26 - Dal Messaggio al Popolo di Dio della XIII Assemblea Ordinaria del Sinodo dei VescoviFin dalla prima evangelizzazione la trasmissione della fede nel susseguirsi delle generazioni ha trovato un luogo naturale nella famiglia. In essa – con un ruolo tutto speciale rivestito dalle donne, ma con questo non vogliamo sminuire la figura paterna e la sua responsabilità – i segni della fede, la comunicazione delle prime verità, l’educazione alla preghiera, la testimonianza dei frutti dell’amore sono stati immessi nell’esistenza dei fanciulli e dei ragazzi, nel contesto della cura che ogni famiglia riserva per la crescita dei suoi piccoli. |
30/10/2012 Video interview with Gisele Muchati, regional director of “New Families” for Syria The exclusive interview with Mrs. Gisèle Muchati, regional director of “New Families” for Syria (Aleppo). Married and the mother of two children, auditor at the Synod. An experience of the Gospel lived under bombs. |
29/10/2012 The family, goods news for our world This morning (Monday 15th of October) the President, H. E. Mgr. Paglia, addressed the general assembly of the Synod. At the heart of his address was the message concerning the institution of the family vis à vis the extreme loneliness affecting the lifestyle of many today |