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Henry Moore (1898-1986) 
Family group (bronze, 1949). London, Tate Gallery. 152 cm. high. Photo: Hermann Buresch© 2011. Foto Scala, Florence/BPK, Bildagentur fuer Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other on a bench. Their arms entwine to hold their little child together, a living tie between them, a permanent bond. Their raised knees and hollow busts form a kind of hospitable nest: the family is the sanctuary of life. The two monumental figures, with their majestically erect bust and very broad shoulders, do not have an individual character but are essential, universal and archetypical. The distended forms appear to be shaped by an intense internal energy, as if the inexhaustible fruitfulness of nature was concentrated in them. They lean forward and, at the same time, toward each another. The almost frontal position accentuates their solemnity and sacred quality. The conjugal bond and the new life that germinates points to the primary source of love and life: God himself.
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