It’s interesting to find in this book an exegetical analysis of Jesus' childhood. Reading it, we found several elements that allow enriching the catechesis offered to children and parents. It remains a source of inspiration for supporting the writings of Luke and Matthew.
We recommend reading this book to catechists, priests, and pastoral agents; it can enhance their religious culture with regard to Jesus' childhood. Children are very curious and interested in learning more about this child, since even their own arrival in the world fascinates them. For them, the mystery surrounding Jesus’ early years is both intriguing and enigmatic.
Benedict XVI thus gives us a taste of the transmission of the Nativity’s mystery to families. In presenting a God so near, so small and yet so great, he shows the importance of accepting life as a gift from God. A gift that changes the world! By choosing Mary and Joseph as mediators between God and humanity, God the Father shows us his deep trust in the family as the cradle of His love.
We believe that the Baptized with some proficiency in biblical reading and in exegesis will also find answers to their questions and new ways to think about and to internalize Jesus’ childhood.
This book will be for us a tool and a resource that will improve our catechesis concerning the mystery of the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the attitude of Mary and Joseph with respect to the mission that God has entrusted to them. It’s important not to underestimate people, like the shepherds and Magi, who visited the Holy Family. They remind us that we too are invited to visit our Savior in simplicity and to worship this child King.
Guylaine Morin and André Belzile
Quebec, Canada