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From Ireland Help for the Family   versione testuale

 A few days ago, the Pontifical Council for the Family was visited by Catherine Wiley, foundress of the Catholic Grandparents Association, one of the most flourishing organizations of the Church in Anglo-Saxon world
The first of the grandmothers of this Irish association for sustaining the transmission of faith in the family, from older generations to younger ones, then offered to participate in the upcoming initiatives promoted by the Dicastery, the first of which will take place in October 2013 in Rome: the International Pilgrimage of families for the Year of Faith.
The Catholic Grandparents Association, in addition to being engaged on many fronts regarding the spiritual life of grandparents, organizes pilgrimages for them every year to sanctuaries throughout the world: an opportunity for deep sharing, during which they celebrate together the memory of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, according to tradition, Jesus’ grandparents
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