Launching of the Vatican Foundation "International Center Family - Nazareth" 
 Another very important phase in the history of the International Center for the Family in Nazareth has begun in recent days. The news concerns the establishment of the Vatican Foundation “International Center Family - Nazareth”. Thus, the dream expressed by John Paul II at the World Meeting of Families in 1997 in Rio de Janeiro ( ) continues to take shape, i.e. that of seeing the construction of a house in the Holy Land for all the families of the world. This dream became a project that advances thanks to Card. Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, the late president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and to the work continued by his successor, Card. Ennio Antonelli, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family. May 14th, 2009 ( ): a historic date on this path because that is when, on the occasion of the pastoral trip to the Holy Land, the Holy Father Benedict XVI announced the construction of the International Center for the Family. The Dream ( ) has become a concrete work. An extraordinary work, entrusted to the Renewal in the Holy Spirit, which gradually enters its operational phase. During the last World Meeting of Families in Milan (June 2012), during the press conference, the imminent creation of the Foundation of pontifical right was announced; this Foundation is responsible for the management and direction of what is necessary for the construction of the Centre, a work that is a sign of the Family 2012 ( ). On October 15th, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI promulgated the constitution of the Vatican Foundation “International Center for the Family - Nazareth” entrusted to the management of RnS ( ) and the Pontifical Council for the Family ( ) “in order to put into effect the Magisterium of the Catholic Church on the family” (from the Statutes of the Vatican Foundation “International Center for the Family - Nazareth”). The decision that finally arouses great joy, is the communication coming from the Holy See, through the intermediary of that Card. Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of His Holiness, to the President of the National Renewal, Salvatore Martinez of the construction desired by the Holy Father. The wish of Blessed John Paul II, is a historic undertaking, which requires considerable prayers and support, thus takes another step on the way to functioning. The newly formed Foundation, chaired by Salvatore Martinez, national president of Renewal in the Spirit, had its first meeting of the board of directors on Friday, January 18, 2013; Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family and Msgr. Simon Vazquez, Secretary of the same Dicastery took part. It’s seat is in the Vatican City State, and it has the public canonical and Vatican civil legal personality (photo at the first meeting of the Foundation). The seat is located on the premises of the Pontifical Council for the Family, a choice that aims, symbolically and structurally, to strengthen the collaboration between these two entities, called to give life together to this great project. The Foundation will see to “diffusing the Magisterium of the family by promoting spiritual formation and evangelization of the family, as well as supporting pastoral care for families around the world,” through the construction of new centers or the management of existing one, “with priority in the Holy Land” (the Statutes of the Vatican Foundation “International Center for the Family – Nazareth”). Therefore, presently, all forces and the work of the Foundation primarily deployed in Nazareth, for the construction of the International Center for the Family on the hill overlooking the city and the Basilica of the Annunciation. The structure ( ) will be a center of family spirituality, accommodate families during their pilgrimage in the Holy Land, provide formation in parental and family life, on pastoral care for agents, and preparation for the New Evangelization. This Evangelization, which sides with the those who defend the family, the primary and essential subject in construction of a just and humane society, because “without the family our world cannot live or progress. This is why a family is necessary!”(Report by Salvatore Martinez, Milan - June 4th, 2012).