On February 19th, in the Hall of the Nasiriyah Martyrs of the Senate of the Italian Republic, the project Nativity: Pediatrics Meets the Family was presented. The President of the Pontifical Council and the Interior Minister of the Italian Government, the Hon. Anna Maria Cancellieri, took part in the meeting.
Nativity’s main objective is to make parents and grandparents aware of advances in medical care for children, by giving them the possiblity to consult the best specialists of the Italian Society of Pediatrics free of charge for three days. From 20 to 22 September 2013, in the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome, there will be a three-day event to which the entire city is invited.
The spirit of Nativity is to reaffirm the family’s role and importance in a child’s growth and welfare, in close collaboration with the family pediatrician.
Nativity is born from the will of the Italian Society of Pediatrics do their part in such a difficult economic times, by providing —free of cost— even to the poorest class the best scientific medical advice; moreover, it is intended to to deepen and understand, along with pediatricians, the causes, the course, and the solutions of childhood illnesses.
During the presentation, Msgr. Paglia said among other things: We are living at a time, in which in many places people would like to acknowledge the right of all, of each person, to have a child. It is however necessary to reaffirm strongly the right of the child to have a father and a mother. Jesus had great esteem for children. One day, says the Gospel, precisely while the “big people” wanted to keep a small crowd of clearly exuberant children from disturbing the Master, Jesus said, Let the little children come to me!