“The primary concern of Family ministry should be not so much doctrinal clarification or creating events, although they are necessary, but finding ways to reach family life and cultivate it so that it may become fully developed.” This deep conviction addressed, over the years of work, by a Spanish couple, José María and Elvira, founders and general coordinators of an association of itinerant teams for family ministry (Eipaf).
In 2004, the couple created the first team; then the first of a success series made Eipaf known in 18 Spanish dioceses.
The teams for pastoral care of families are composed of well-trained lay people, a living expression of many ecclesial groups such as Opus Dei, the Neocatechumenal Way, the Charismatic Renewal, the Focolari and Regnum Christi. “The advantages Eipaf contributes —explains Elvira— are precisely the synergy of the various movements involved, because it fosters communion between Christians and the various charismas and ecclesial realities. In addition, it strengthens the ability to transmit the faith.” It is also “important to stress —then José María recalls— that the teams in the parish are formed by a priest, a couple representing the local church, a representative of each of entity of the family associations, a young man, an engaged couple , an elderly man and an expert on family issues. Together they coordinate the group that represents several generations with aim of embracing the entire reality of families, from birth to death.” The goals include: the formation of mutual support groups with all the realities of the family, which permit it to live moments of formation and faith experience, in groups with “Marian name;” the creation of daily prayer groups and a night of worship once a month; parishes and family spiritual retreats; the development catechesis of penance; care for engagement with a spiritual guide.
Information card
Category: Formation of leading couples
Realm of experience: Equipos Itinerantes de Pastoral Familiar (E.I.P.A.F)
Country: Spain
Contact (EIPAF. Coordinadores Generales Elvira de los Ángeles y José María):
Phone: +34 91 6150638 / 626398410