The Liberty Bell is an iconic Philadelphia landmark around the world. In this City, the Eighth World Meeting of Families will take place from 22 to 27 September 2015. The Bell rang to call the American citizens for the reading of the Declaration of Independence, on 1776. So, the figure of the bell has been chosen to be the Meeting of Familes’ logo, so as to emphasize the role of the City located in Pennsylvania for the civil rights and religious freedom recognition and defense.
The bell rings to announce the good news of the family. The little white and silver bell of Philadelphia is an iconic symbol of the countless bells calling families to church around the world. Within the bell, as a part of a Cross, that is a sign of Christ at the center of the life of families and of the Church, a family is represented through five distinct figures, all different heights and ages, in an effort to illustrate the different roles in unity that family members play: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild and the others.
The warm colours of the imagine remind the season when the World Meeting will take place. The font selected for the title is strong, elegant and versatile.