Giorgio and Monica have become protagonists in proposing a new way to make their four children to learn the catechism, so they putting into the practice Don Bosco’s teaching, which the Saint expressed, in 1884, in these terms: «The teachers love what appeals to the young, and young people will love what pleases the educators».
The two, who live in a region of Trentino and have been married for over twenty years, after realizing that both the children of their parish and their parents needed to increase their participation with the teaching of the Catholic doctrine, have promoted together with other married couples the “Giocatechismo,” the catechism through playing.
«We can tell children – Giorgio and Monica¬ explain – that John the Baptist “was voice crying in the wilderness,” that he worn a camel's skin and ate locusts; but if you want to get them to meet him in the flesh, like a father of the group, telling them about himself, maybe they could eat some tasty marzipan grasshoppers with him?». And again continue the two: «We can tell about a shepherd who goes looking for his sheep and then celebrates when he has found it; but wouldn’t you like to tell this after going with him to look for it, discovering the tracks left by the sheep on the ground, and having organized and participated in a real party, with music and treats, because it’s finally been found?».
The catechetical itinerary begins and goes towards its conclusion in small groups, consisting of a maximum of ten families, so that the point of view of each each of the adult members can be expressed: this is the fundamental condition that allows interpersonal relationships to grow strong and become solid.
Meetings of family catechesis are held once a month, on a Sunday, from morning to afternoon. Immediately after the Parish Mass, there is a coffee break where parents can chat while the children are free to play in the yard of the oratory. Then “thematic game” begins, which is the highpoint of the whole meeting, an hour of fun and interactive teaching with the participation of all the families. In the afternoon, the participants are divided into three groups: while the older children who go to catechism talk with the catechists about the subject of the game, and the younger ones have a recreation with initiatives proposed by their leaders, the adults gather, under the supervision of a leading team composed of a priest and a facilitating couple. Finally, the day ends with a snack and a prayer recited together.
Category: Catechesis in the family
Realm of experience: Visitazione di Maria Santissima Parish
Country: Italy
Place of reference: Gardolo, Province of Trento
Contact (Visitazione di Maria Santissima Parish):
Via Aeroporto, 3, Gardolo – 38100 Gardolo (TN)
Tel. +39 0461 990231
Contact (Giorgio and Monica Rosatti):