The Dicastery is promoting a cycle of “Dialogues for the Family”: four one-day conferences-seminars on specific topics concerning family life, entrusted to experts. The first one, “Family before business,” in collaboration with the Association of Catholic Jurists, will be held on Wednesday April 17th at the Pontifical Council for the Family. The subsequent encounters will deal with “The education of children,” “Family and the elderly,” “Intergenerationality.”
The President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, explains the initiative as follows: «The family is the heart of society. It’s the cornerstone, and the most precious resource. This is why we believe that it is essential to bring the family into the center of the thoughts and actions of the Church and of society, of politics and economics, of education and culture». So, the program of Dialogues represents an opportunity to «redirect attention to this heritage of mankind», said Msgr. Paglia. «Ignorance is the cause of barbarism and degeneration, especially in this time of deep crisis at every level, in which the treasure of the family is often misunderstood, even by those whose words seem to suggest that they recognize it, while it is in reality demeaned and beaten».
«My hope − the President said − is that the dawn of a new era for the world’s families may arise from these conferences-seminars».