The Bishops of the eighteen dioceses of Tuscany, on their ad limina visit – meeting scheduled every five years in the Vatican to report on the social, cultural and pastoral situation of the local churches –met Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family and the members of the Congregation, on Tuesday April 9th. Father Gianfranco Grieco attended the meeting and so has presented a summary of the results:
«The Church of Tuscany, like all the local Churches, is very actively engaged with respect to the issues of family, life and human dignity. From the pastoral viewpoint, the same activities, the same urgencies, the daily dramas and the suffering experienced by families living in all regions of Italy are observed; we try to respond to them through positive, practical pastoral and social care, guided by Gospel of the family and the social doctrine of the Church.
In the area of family and life, Tuscany has the privilege of being the ecclesial protagonist since the very beginning of the post-conciliar period. Family ministry in Prato was boosted in particular by the late Msgr. Pietro Fiordelli, and the attention to the issues concerning life has been manifested especially by some laypeople on the frontier, who accompany the commitments and tensions of bishops and priests, on many fronts. There are still pastoral needs that call for a response: separated, divorced and remarried families, de facto cohabitation, Eucharistic communion for those living in difficult family situations, and the religious education of children. Following the example of Pope Francis, especially priests must increasingly be instruments and examples of mercy, reconciliation and joy. It’s beautiful and joyful experience to belong to a Church that offers forgiveness and mercy».