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Life … continues   versione testuale
A Meeting with the Leaders of the Association of Widow Families “Il Melograno”

Mrs. Amelia Cucci Tafuro and Mrs. Treglia Mariassunta, respectively President and Vice-President of “Il Melograno” Association for the Civil Rights of Widows, were received in recent days by the President of the Dicastery, H.E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia. He listened to the experience of persons who have been touched by pain and want to raise awareness of the reality of widow families in all civil and ecclesiastical spheres.
“Il Melograno” was created as an association of Christian inspiration and is a member of the Forum of Family Associations.
The concept pointed out by the representatives of the association is that “widow families” consist not only of spouses who remain alone after the death of the partner, but the widows and widowers also have orphans with them. So, the whole family suffers and, all too often, it receives no help or consideration from the civil structures.
Archbishop Paglia assured them that he will give his full attention to the widow families and promised to raise awareness about their problems, which —as Mrs. Cucci Tafuro pointed out— are evoked in the Charter of the Rights of the Family, Articles 9 and 4.
The President has agreed to attend the Conference of “Il Melograno” on the Charter of the Rights of the Family, which will be held on November 5th, in Rome.
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