From May 26th to June 1st 2013, the “Week of the Family” had been convoked; but taking into account that in Colombia Mother's Day is celebrated on the 11th of May and Father's Day on June 16th, it was decided to hold the “
Time for the family” from
May 11th to June 30th. In this way, it also includes May 15th, which the Government has declared the “Day of the Family.”
A Guide for families will be published for meetings of small groups and in parishes during this “Time for the family.”
The perspective and the structure of this guide include:
Theme: The family and the transmission of FAITH
Motto: "Rooted and built up in Christ, established in faith" (cf. Col 2:7)
1. Enhancing the experience of faith in the family in order to promote the missionary discipleship of all members of the family.
2. Deepening the sacramental dimension of marriage and of the family, in order to strengthen the Christian identity of all the families of the ecclesial community.
3. Encouraging the commitment of the transmission of the faith in the home in order to strengthen the family’s missionary dimension.
1. Reconstructing the historical memory: faith has fashioned the story of every family.
2. Transmitting the Faith: the family commitment. Just as the family is committed to passing on values and promoting good nutrition and good relations, and has the task of forming its members in the faith and in spirituality.
3. Living the experience of faith in the family. The task of growing in discipleship.
4. The Christian family: a nursery of vocations to ordained ministry, religious life and / or as committed lay people.
5. Beyond the borders. Family ministry. The Family: Subject of Evangelization.
Outline for the program of the meetings
1. Greetings and prayer.
2. Theme and goal.
3. Fact of life or testimony.
4. Biblical illumination.
5. Development of the topic.
6. Dialogue - Questions.
7. Act of celebration.
8. Commitment