In the course of three days of prayer and meditation of the Fraternities who have come to the tomb of St. Peter on pilgrimage to celebrate the Year of Faith, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, H.E. Msgr. Jean Laffitte, met the French-speaking pilgrims in the Church of the Trinita dei Monti, on Saturday, May 4th.
"It is inherent to the nature of the fraternities to proclaim the Gospel and to accompany its proclamation with action,” said Msgr. Laffitte. “If a brotherhood forgets its call in this sense, it gradually becomes an empty shell. On the contrary, the clarity of the explicit proclamation of Salvation, with forms of devotion deeply rooted in the tradition of the Church, and the faith of God's people exert a special attraction: fraternities transmit a culture, along with a place of fraternal life.” Consequently: “In this sense, the value of lived brotherhood and mutual aid gives them a specific structure that evokes, more broadly, the institution of the family, which is so strongly abused these days. There is a family-like manner of living the brotherhood in a confraternity, just as in every Christian community worthy of the name.”