A delegation of MEPs, from the “Anima” (Soul) group of the European People's Party (EPP) visited the Pontifical Council for the Family on Friday, May 24th. They met with the Secretary Msgr. Carlos
Simón Vázquez and Msgr. Piotr Mazurkiewich. The delegation was headed by the Vice-Chairman of the EPP, Mr Mayor Oreja and Vice President-Treasurer Jan Olbrycht. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Andrikiené, Kelam, Grzyb, Torok and Vierling (adviser).
After a brief introduction on the status quaestionis of the Family and Life by the Under-Secretary, there was a fruitful dialog on the main issues currently at stake for the institution of marriage and the family. The initiative One of us was also mentioned, and there was discussion on how the work can be intensified in the coming months. Emphasis was put on the urgent need to prepare the best strategies for dialog in the political and institutional space, by providing solid arguments that really put the family at the center of politics as a basic resource for the future of the European continent.
While the issues of demography and euthanasia are concerns, more generally efforts are centered on underpinning rights so that the legislation may be in conformity with man’s true nature. «The family has rights –the Under-Secretary said – because, in turn, it also has matchless duties in this society. This is a unique vocation of service to society and its proper recognition, one of the great challenges at the present moment, in 2013, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Charter of the Rights of the Family».
As the group said goodbye, a new appointment was taken for this year.