A joyful proclamation of the Gospel that reverses the normal line of transmission of the faith, goes from children to their parents. This is the originality that led to the creation of Famenal, a group of evangelizing communities, founded in Mexico in 1984, which cares for both young families who are having difficulties and more solid and mature families. «
In fact, the origin of this experience ̶ explain José and Doris, two members of Famenal ̶
was not the initiative of one person. In the perspective of our faith we believe, and we have experienced, that the God’s Spirit inspired in some mothers the desire to be evangelized and, at the same time, He clearly showed to a group of children, who already had a deep encounter with God and begun a journey of faith, the necessity to evangelize their parents so that they could become, all together, a Christian family».
A project began in the city of Monterrey, under the supervision of Father Agustin Rojano, who over the years also included in its field of action, alongside Mexico, Central America and even the United States, as hundreds of communities were constituted across the continent. Each of these, a ripe fruit of the covenant between mothers and young people at the dawn of Famenal, is formed today by an evangelizing, missionary family, and of six who conjointly heed to the Word of God, a Word always accompanied by the example of the evangelizers, manifested through their witness of love and the wonders that it operates within the family.
A two-year course prepares “learning” families to form, in turn, six new communities: «A radiation ̶ Father Agustin says ̶ that awakens in other neighboring families who see them the persistent desire to share this experience. This radiation is the main reason why new small communities are born. Consequently, with the permission of the local bishop, new ones have flourished in other dioceses and abroad. All this happens because Christ is the only one who saves families and humanity from spiritual and material destruction».
Category: Small family communities
Realm of experience: FAMENAL (Familias en Alianza)
Country: Mexico
Contact: 293 Salvador Chavez, Apodaca, Nuevo León, México
Tel +52 (81) 83213966/10862969