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The Family and Its Rights 
An International Seminar of Portuguese-speaking Jurists at the Dicastery
 The Pontifical Council for the Family and the Academy of Portuguese-speaking Jurists is organizing an international seminar that will be held in Rome on June 18th and 19th, on the theme “The Family and Its Rights.” Personalities and legal experts from different countries of the lusophone regions will participate in the meeting. The President of the Republic of Cape Verde, H.E. Jorge Carlos Fonseca, will speak, and H. E. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of our Dicastery, will pronounce the introductory greeting. The aim of the seminar is to analyze and discuss, under the different scenarios of the represented Countries, the most recent developments in the legislation related to the rights of the family, in order to elicit suggestions and guidelines, while reaffirming the validity of the principles and rules contained in the Charter of the Rights of the Family, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The Catholic jurists deal with the great contemporary issues concerning human life and the family, as a universal natural society, with reference to the fundamental and authentic anthropology in the Charter, which stems from the Gospel and is the source of principles of law and of family policy valid for all legislation and good government.
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