A Short Biography of Father Agustin Rojano Nava, Mfj
• He was born in Tlalpan, Mexico City, on August 28th, 1938,
• ordained on July 30th, 1965,
• and is currently in the Archdiocese of Monterrey, Mexico.
• He is the founder of Famenal, of the Youth Community of the Missionaries of the Family and Youth.
• He is currently Rector General of FAMDAL, “Allied Family.”
• He lives in the City of Apodaca, New León, in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, New León, Mexico.
1) What's the latest news? Has Famenal launched new initiatives (eg. Pilgrimages, spiritual retreats, the promotion of cultural events) that have allowed it to become stronger? Are there new presences in other dioceses or countries?
On the subject of the Family, after the Meeting in Rome:
1. We started the formation of small communities of young newlyweds, with from 1 to 5 years of marriage, to help them to overcome the initial difficulties and advance well in the sacrament.
2. Other small communities of separated, divorced, and divorced-remarried spouses. To help in the reconstruction of each person, and to integrate them into the Church.
3. Marriage and family counseling.
4. Therapy for people with same-sex attraction. Therapeutic treatment given by Richard Cohen, a Jew who converted to Catholicism. http://www.comingoutloved.com/ (Personalized) 5. Training and certification of “MEDIATORS” to oral proceedings that are beginning in Mexico and especially in the field of family and youth.
6. Workshops to strengthen and reaffirm the bond of marriage in the integral form.
7. A new group of single people who are over 30. Training and work on the project of life.
8. Laboratory of Human Development on the protection of juvenile offenders.
9. One-day spiritual encounters on marriage for couples of the Metropolitan Area.
In Health
1. Therapy and Addiction prevention as well as promotion of healthy behaviors.
In the spiritual realm
1. Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
2. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land (Israel)
3. We are promoting participation in the pilgrimage to Rome, on October 26th and 27th.
In the area of formation
1. Systematic study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
2. Promotion of YouCat (Catechism for young people)
3. Training in relation to the Year of Faith.
2) From the very beginning of your experience, there have been children and mothers. What is currently the contribution of fathers to Famenal?
From the outset, not only mothers (wives) were participating but fathers and mothers, promoting the bond marriage and family, and projecting it on the children.
3) What can your alliance of families teach—on a practical, organizational and symbolic level—to a family that asks to transform its members into allies?
The Alliance accompanies the conversion to live the faith, marriage, the love for the Church, membership in a Catholic community, identity and solidarity, and it generates: mature Catholics, faithful spouses, loving and responsible parents, honest and participating citizens, responsible children.
4) What advice would you give to anyone who wants to develop family meetings like yours? What are the first steps that need to be taken?
With the light of the Holy Spirit, a small group of couples accompanied by a priest that asks to engage in evangelizing other couples with a spiritual, human, psychological and evangelical formation should plan the “stages” that will lead to growth in small communities.