The Synod of the Orthodox Church of Romania met on July 4th and 5th to discuss, among other things, the draft of the constitutional amendment regarding the proposal to include the definition of the family as “
the natural basic element of society’s life and development, based on the marriage freely consented between a man and a woman, on their equality, and on the right and duty of the parents to provide for the growth, education and training of the children, with the support and protection of both the state and society.”
The Orthodox Bishops of Romania have made the commitment to strengthen the family ministry at all eparchial and national levels, to oppose practices detrimental to life and marriage, such as abortion, divorce, domestic violence and child abandonment, thus joining, among other associations, the European campaign “One of Us”, with the intention of extending the legal protection of the dignity, the right to life and the integrity of every human being, from conception on, to all the countries of the European Union, by asking to desist in financing any activities that involve the destruction of human embryos in research and in programs to reduce births.
«The Orthodox Church of Romania − we read in a statement − draws attention to the fact that the destruction of the human embryos is unacceptable from the spiritual and human perspective».
The Romanian Orthodox Church, under the chairmanship of Patriarch Daniel, is the second largest community of orthodox faithful, after the Russian Orthodox Church.