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Not a Relic, but rather the Foundation 
The Bishops of the Slovak Republic speak out on the dangers of confusion about the family
The Bishops’ Conference of Slovakia has spoken out on marriage and the so-called “gender issues”, denouncing the dangers of an individualistic, hedonistic and materialistic culture that calls into question the very pillars on which society is founded, including the most basic ones such as the family, founded on marriage between a man and a woman, which is « threatened and ridiculed by an alternative culture» that would like to reduce it to being a nothing more than « a relic of the past». This destructive criticism of the foundations of civil society is particularly dangerous for children, because « it generates a state of confusion regarding their identity and makes people lose the ability to understand who they really are». The Slovak Bishops therefore urge « all Catholics and people of good will to work for the renewal of the value and of the culture of the family, so that it can continue to be irreplaceable for our life and society».
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